Chemical Reagents
BenzidineCOA Report
  • CAS No.:92-87-5
  • Molecular weight:184.23
  • Aliases:4,4’-diamino-bipheny
  • Molecular formula:C12H12N2
  • EC No.:202-199-1
Specification category:
Product No. Product name specifications
1.20171.016 Benzidine AR25g
Characteristic: Appearance and properties: white or light pink crystalline powder, brown or purple brown goods.
Relative density: 1.25
Melting point(℃): 128
Boiling point(℃): 401.7
Concentration: Pure
Saturated vapor pressure: 98.64/128.7 ℃
Solubility: insoluble in water, soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether.
Heat of combustion (kJ / mol): 6524.6
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