Chemical Reagents
Cyclohexane COA Report
  • CAS No.:110-82-7
  • Molecular weight:84.16
  • Aliases:hexahydrobenzene
  • Molecular formula:C6H12
  • UN Code:1145
  • EC No.:203-806-2
  • HS-No:29021100
Specification category:
Product No. Product name specifications
1.15007.013 Cyclohexane AR500mL
1.15007.023 Cyclohexane CP500mL
1.15007.053 Cyclohexane AR2.5LBottle
1.15007.073 Cyclohexane CP2.5L
1.15007.083 Cyclohexane AR25L
Characteristic: Appearance and properties:Colorless liquid with a pungent odor.
Relative density: 0.78
Relative vapor density: 2.90
Melting point(℃): 6.5
Boiling point(℃): 80.7
Concentration: Pure
Vapor Pressure: 13.33 (60.8 ℃)
Solubility: insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, benzene, acetone, etc. Most organic solvents.
Heat of combustion (kJ / mol): 3916.1
Critical temperature (℃): 280.4
Critical pressure (MPa): 4.05
Technical indicators:
Item AR CP
Assay ≥99.5% ≥99.0%
Density(20℃),g/ml 0.778~0.779 0.776~0.780
Solidification point, ℃ ≥5.5 ≥5.0
Evaporation residue ≤0.002% ≤0.005%
Benzene(C6H6) ≤0.05% ≤0.1%
Cyclohexene(C6H10) ≤0.05% ≤0.1%
Readily carbonizable substances Pass Pass
Water(H2O) ≤0.02% ≤0.05%
Hazard characteristics:


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